March 11, 2020
Hosted by CICM, the year 3 meeting of the consortium, organised by the partners in Madagascar (CICM, Fianarantsoa university and ESSA Antananarivo university), was held in Antananarivo on 11-13 March 2020. The main partners concerned by this project are: Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC), Netherlands; Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (EKUT) and Bernhard-Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM), Germany; Centre of Medical Research Lambaréné (CERMEL), Gabon; Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGLobal), Spain; University of Fianarantsoa (UF), University of Antananarivo (UA) and the Charles Mérieux infectiology centre (CICM), Madagascar. The project is funded by EDCTP (European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership).
Before the meeting, a training workshop was proposed on the laboratory diagnosis of Schistosomiasis by Up Converting Phosphor technology using lateral flow strips for the detection of circulating anodic antigens (of all Schistosoma species) in a urine or serum sample using a Labrox strip reader. The training was provided by the Dutch team from LUMC.