Fighting infectious diseases

By stepping up research efforts, technology transfers and the development of diagnostic tools

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All our efforts converge towards one fundamental priority: improving patient health

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Mobilised to further our knowledge

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Public Health

Focus on the illnesses that have the most impact

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Towards a quality management system.

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Research & Support

Active partner in research and study projects

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Participation à la formation des professionnels de santé

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News & Events


Discussions with the scientific community to share and develop our knowledge

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DP One Health OI

Collectif de recherche interdisciplinaire qui travaille au renforcement des connaissances sur les maladies zoonotiques et la résistance aux antibiotiques dans le sud-ouest de l'océan Indien, à l’interface entre santé humaine, santé animale et environnement.

GABRIEL network

Global Approach to Biological Research, Infectious diseases, and Epidemics in Low-income countries (Approche globale de la recherche biologique, des maladies infectieuses et des épidémies dans les pays à faible revenu)


International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium (Réseau international dédié aux infections respiratoires sévères émergentes)

We can count on a solid team to support us on a daily basis in the activities of our laboratories.