All our efforts converge towards one fundamental priority: improving patient health.
CICM Madagascar (Charles Mérieux infectiology centre) is a research and training centre, created in 2010 on Antananarivo university campus.
Our centre’s many projects focus on 3 priorities:
Founded on the talents of our scientists, technicians, managers and support staff, our team currently counts 25 employees.
The director of the centre is appointed by joint decision by Antananarivo university and the Mérieux Foundation. CICM is governed by the Strategic Orientation Board, made up of representatives from Antananarivo university, Madagascar’s ministry of public health and the Mérieux Foundation. CICM Madagascar is self-managed, independently of its supervisory authorities.
CICM is a public, non-profit structure governed by a partnership agreement between Antananarivo university, Madagascar’s ministry of public health and the Mérieux Foundation.
Construction of CICM
construction of CICM thanks to support from the Mérieux Foundation in partnership with the ministry of public health and Antananarivo university.
Inauguration of the Centre
Celebration of 10 years of activity