
Our infrastructures provide access to cutting-edge equipment, particularly suited to applied research and training

CICM covers a total surface area of 540m². There is a training area and another area devoted to research in infectious diseases.

Rodolphe Mérieux laboratory: a major scientific tool in Madagascar

Rodolphe Mérieux laboratory is a research, technical support and training lab entirely devoted to public health. It hosts and initiates operational research projects in infectiology (bacteriology, parasitology, mycology, virology and immunology).

The laboratory has three P2+ biocontainment rooms, a “clean” room for the preparation of molecular biology reaction mixtures, an amplification room and a room for electrophoresis.

With its 242m2 technical platform for molecular biology, the laboratory is available to Antananarivo university and all public health actors in Madagascar. Any research concerning infectious diseases can be based there.

3 rooms for student training

CICM enables students with the necessary skills to benefit from suitable, innovative infrastructures to continue their studies and to conduct their scientific research on infectious diseases.

The centre is equipped with:

  • One molecular biology platform with two thermal cyclers – one for conventional PCRs (MJ Research PTC-200) and one for real time PCRs (Biorad CFX-96) – and two FilmArray® System instruments (BioFire Diagnostics, LLC, Utah, US)
  • One ELISA platform
  • One microscopy platform with a number of microscopes including one with a built-in camera.

The centre has two -80°C freezers for sample storage and an autoclave for waste destruction.